
Nolensville Police Department offers Halloween safety tips

With a weather forecast predicting 80 percent probability of rain, Robertson said that any sort of mischief and even trick-or-treating may be at a minimum. Many have shared the post cautioning parents about the drug tablets this Halloween, hoping they don’t mistake them for candy.


Also serving punch containing dry ice is not unsafe in itself, but make sure the ice is not swallowed in its solid form.

Never dart out between parked cars.

Trick-or-treating is a staple for all children on Halloween, and so is that Halloween candy – but for a few people with allergies, the treat is a little trickier than they would like. “Kids like to dress up”.

Trick-or-treaters should travel in groups and avoid short cuts through alleys, lanes or private property.

Trick-or-treaters are encouraged to plan their route and stop only on streets that are well-lit and familiar. Cowles recommends using reflective tape or dressing children in light-colored costumes.

“We chose to make this video as a way to remind parents that one of the most important Halloween safety steps they can take is to talk with their children before the trick-or-treating begins”, Deputy Jeff McCaskill said in a statement Monday.

Police will be carrying out high-visibility patrols on Saturday to deal with any anti-social behaviour and a “no trick-or-treat” flyer has also been made available on the Thames Valley Police website for anyone who does not want trick-or-treaters visiting. Do not enter a home to receive a treat, especially abandoned buildings.

And kids are not the only ones who have to think about safety on Halloween night.

Trick-or-treaters should never approach a house alone.

Vicari asked that motorists pay special attention when driving on Halloween.

The best part of Halloween is not just getting together in costume and going out, but it’s also about the scares and having fun. There are a number of easy ways to make the evening a safe and enjoyable one.


Although tampering is rare, children should be advised to wait until they get home to snack on their treats, and have a responsible adult inspect them. Use sidewalks or walk facing traffic. With candy, costumes and frightening Halloween decorating ideas, there’s not much you can do to keep them calm!

Burning candle