
Marco Rubio fights back after Jeb Bush attacked his voting record

“You’ve got a guy here speaking from experience, speaking with knowledge about issues, speaking with a reasonable approach to matters”, said Pat Hickey, a Bush supporter from Nevada.


In the presidential race, GOP rivals have also struck at Rubio for being absent from the Senate. The campaign reportedly was alarmed when they reviewed recently released Rubio campaign financial reports and discovered Jeb’s former protege was far more flush than they realized.

The discussion was prompted by an editorial in the Florida Sun-Sentinel calling on Rubio to resign for missing more votes this year than any member of the Senate.

Bush, a former Florida governor who has touted his job creation abilities, announced on October 23 he was making deep cuts in his campaign staff.

“I’m a constituent of the senator and I helped him, and I expected that he would do constituent service, which means that he shows up to work”, Bush whined, as if he had needed his senator’s help fixing a broken traffic light. Of course, none of them complained about their day jobs and, by the time Kerry ran, he was a decorated war hero, and a veteran senator who had led hearings into worldwide money laundering and the drug trade.

However, after the speech, Bush tried to dismiss a question from a student when she pressed him on why he would exclude the parents of children brought to the US illegally from receiving citizenship.

Rubio, who has had a close relationship with Bush, responded sharply: “Someone has convinced you that attacking me is going to help you”. And Texas Sen. Ted Cruz earned top marks from the audience and on social media for attacking the media and defending single mothers. “This is not a cage match”.

He said the CNBC moderators were more interested in pitting the candidates against one another rather than “talking about the substantive issues people care about”. Instead, we’re watching two parallel contests to determine who the two finalists will be – one among mainstream conservatives, the other among insurgent conservatives. And while most of the other candidates ably handled themselves on stage, none really stood out or had a moment that is likely to propel them higher in the polls.

“This is a man who was a managing general partner with Lehman Brothers when it went down the tube”, Trump said of Kasich.

“We’ll see how Ben holds up to the scrutiny”, Trump said Tuesday on MSNBC. We can only imagine the candidates’ relief at escaping from the worst panel in living memory into the cool Boulder night. We’re going to have people come in, but they’re coming in legally. “And Mexico’s going to pay for the wall”. “I’m not anxious about my finances, I’m anxious about the finances of everyday Americans”, Rubio said. But at the debate, he claims he never made the statement and says he wants to keep skilled immigrant tech employees in the United States.


Bush provided the most dramatic moment of the night when he went after Rubio, a fellow Miami resident, on his Senate voting record.

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush   		David Becker  Getty Images