
Hillary Clinton continues charm offensive on The Late Show

According to a report from CNN, Clinton also talked about “too big to fail” big banks, a frequent target in the Democratic primary.


“I do not favor abolishing it, however”, Clinton said, arguing that it should be used in “very limited and rare” instances. “The implication of that is that we get the Nineties back again if you’re president of the United States”, Colbert said.

“I’m running for president because there is no way we can elect Clinton to continue the policies of Barack Obama”, he said.

This week’s late-night stop on Late Show comes just after Clinton celebrated her 68th birthday, by sleeping late.

Throughout the debate, Clinton continued to text her supporters – hitting the Republican candidates on issues such as college affordability and equal pay.

In the most extensive comments on capital punishment of her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday called for greatly restricting, but not abolishing, the death penalty.

Colbert suggested a Hillary Halloween costume, with a timely Benghazi-testimony theme: “You can go wearing anything, but you have to stay for 11 hours”.

Clinton also cited Madam Secretary and The Good Wife as favorites – no surprise there! – and said she was “a little” jealous of Madeleine Albright’s recent guest-starring role on the former.

“The point that I was making is if we are serious about ending these massacres … it’s not good enough for people on one side to be shouting at people on the other side”, he said. Later, while discussing politics, Colbert asked which candidate she’d rather face in a general presidential election: Donald Trump or Ben Carson.

“Well”, Clinton responded, triggering whoops from the studio audience, “I can picture them in a few office”. “And she opened so many doors that last debate that he didn’t walk though”.


She revealed she and Bill recently finished Netflix political drama “House of Cards” – “It took a while”, Clinton said. And Clinton appeared on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” earlier this month, playing “Val”, a salt-of-the-earth bartender, across from actress Kate McKinnon, who plays a large-than-life, power-craven Clinton.

Hillary Clinton Visits “The Cathedral Of Colbert” To Talk Donald Trump, Ben