
Statins “could harm flu fight in pensioners” say studies which claim medicines

“We’ll probably get it right this year”, Zahn said. And for certain groups, including the elderly, that recommendation is especially important-each year, almost 3,000 people over age 65 die of the flu. The vaccines cost $28, and the health department can bill Medicare, Medicaid and private insurances.


MedImmune has announced that “unforeseen challenges” in production have delayed shipment of its FluMist nasal spray vaccine. They concluded that the effectiveness of flu vaccine in older people may be compromised by the use of statins.

The 11-year-old girl sporting two pigtails and one big white bow might have been the only Lincoln Elementary School student disappointed that she didn’t get a shot.

Adams said despite minimal flu activity, Hoosiers should not be complacent.

In the other new study Emory University researchers investigated the possible impact of statin therapy on the effectiveness of flu vaccine at preventing serious respiratory illness. Last year, flu viruses began mutating as soon as manufacturers began vaccine production, leading to a mismatch between virus and vaccine that made shots less effective.

Indiana has reported its first flu-associated death of the 2015-2016 season.

State health officials said that they would not release additional information about this individual due to privacy. CDC also notes that over 125,000 tests came back positive for the virus in 2014, an upswing of 42 percent from the previous year.

“I want to set a good example”, Hutchinson said, shortly before a state Health Department nurse vaccinated him at the state Capitol in front of reporters.

A pilot programme a year ago showed vaccinating children had dual benefit; as well as protecting them from flu, it also protects others, such as parents, grandparents and siblings, as children are “super spreaders” and are much more likely to infect others.


This year, KDHE has created signs that can be downloaded from its website to emphasize the importance of hand washing to prevent the spread of germs. Less often, a person might get the flu by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it. A final protection for those who do become sick is to stay home and avoid contact with others until 24 hours after a fever subsides.

NBC News