
Jeb Bush Tackles Republican Rival Over ‘French Work Week’

Jeb Bush. Jeb tried to jump on the recent story about how many votes Rubio has missed and got off what sounded like a rather scathing attack.


Rubio sharply dismissed Bush’s critique as a political ploy by a struggling candidate.

On CBS’s “This Morning”, Rubio stuck to his claim in the debate that Clinton and other Obama administration officials lied about the nature of the 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, when Clinton was secretary of state.

In his Thursday interviews, Rubio took veiled shots at the two outsider candidates who have never held public office.

“Literally, the Senate, is it a French work week?”

Bush then delivered another punch: “Just resign and let someone else take the job”.

“Rubio, standing less than two metres away and half a foot shorter than Bush’s 6′ 4” slouching frame, fired back by ridiculing Bush for hypocrisy.

Donald Trump boasted that he’s paying his own way in the campaign, but he isn’t. Marco Rubio showed they were willing to fight for the spotlight.

“This is all part of slowly moving up in the process”, Rubio’s campaign manager, Terry Sullivan, said after the debate.

“The only reason you’re doing it now is because we’re running for the same position, and someone has convinced you that attacking me is going to help you”, he said. “I’m not a performer. If you’re looking for an entertainer in chief, I’m probably not the guy”. As someone on Twitter put it, he gave the answer on regulating fantasy football that Jeb Bush should have given, ridiculing the idea.

The candidates repeatedly expressed frustration the mainstream media in general and the CNBC moderators asking the questions during the third GOP debate.

Still, it was Rubio’s night. Rubio is among the Republican field’s most talented politicians, and at age 44 he could represent the future in a way the son and brother of presidents cannot. “Rubio is an outstanding performer”, said Bush campaign manager Danny Diaz.

Rubio’s campaign has generally declined to engage Bush, but Wednesday night seemed to be the boiling point, with the sparring between the two Floridians nearly surely bound to escalate. “There’s not enough time to talk about your plans, there’s no presentation”.

Bobby Jindal set the tone during his opening remarks of the undercard debate, when he promised that “over the next several hours, [viewers are] going to hear several Republicans all tell you they want to shrink the size of government and grow the American economy”.

Candidates throughout the night highlighted the proposed budget fix, which is viewed by many as a necessary evil to avoid an outright government default, as an example of what happens when government spending isn’t streamlined and managed effectively. Sen.

He said they “illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media”.

When Donald Trump brought up Gov. John Kasich’s past life as a businessman and what everyone thought of him. Surprisingly, Chris Christie had a pretty good night though I wouldn’t call him the victor. Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, even tweeted that “CNBC should be ashamed of how this debate was handled”. “But I think it was one gotcha question, one personal low blow after another”.

With his star rising, Carson came under pressure to expand on his political platforms. True to his repeated promises to remain true to his character, the retired neurosurgeon declined to go after his rivals.

As has been the case on each of the crowded debate stages, a few candidates – including Kentucky Sen.

NBC spokesman Brian Steel responded with a one-sentence statement: “People who want to be president of the United States should be able to answer tough questions”. “He hates the format”, Bennett said of Carson. “It’s destroying this nation”.

The main stage debate was, if anything, even worse.

Cruz’s response came to a question about whether his opposition to a budget deal in Congress shows that he’s not a problem-solver.


A few of the city’s many bars and restaurants had TVs switched on to the debate so their patrons could watch the event unfold.

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