
Clinton on GOP debate: Ten candidates, zero ideas

The former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, on Thursday, had withstood the 11-hour congressional hearing surrounding the 2012 Benghazi Attack.


After a 17-month investigation that has cost $4.5 million – and after grilling Hillary Clinton for 11 hours last week with little to show for it – the House Benghazi Committee should potentially disband, one of its Democratic members said on “Face the Nation” on Sunday. Investigating security failures, especially those that resulted in the deaths of Americans, is a laudable endeavor.

The hearing by the U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi was, indeed, a dismal affair [“Perpetual Partisanship”, Opinion, October 26]. “We knew about the emails”, he stammered. “In terms of her testimony?”

Clinton’s issues with Benghazi started publicly when she and President Obama reacted a short time after the attack. But is it really a mystery as to why a friend of at least two decades would have her email address?

A few weeks after that, Republican House majority leader Kevin McCarthy gave Clinton what’s being called “the Benghazi gift”. Forty-one percent of those polled by HuffPost/YouGov think the investigation into the Benghazi attacks should continue, while just 30 percent believe it should be concluded, and another 29 percent aren’t sure.

It was back to the 1990s. Republicans’ efforts to remove Clinton from office backfired on them in a big way.

Talk about sheer clintonesque nerve: Mrs. Clinton also assured the bereaved father of one of the murdered Americans that she would see to it that the producer of the video would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for inciting a (non-existent) mob. What did this have to do with Benghazi?

Thus in retrospect, Bill Clinton surely wished he had ordered an attack on Osama bin Laden when he was spotted on camera.

This is what it looks like when the media acts as defenders of a particular candidate.

The eight hours before Congress may even be a plus towards her race for the presidential election.

Schiff and Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat, proposed that Republicans, rather than selectively releasing Blumenthal’s emails, come clean about their interest in him and make public the entire transcript of his testimony.

Clinton initially characterized the attack as terrorism, since the group Ansar al-Sharia claimed credit for it. However, the group later withdrew that assertion. “Thanks GOP, for helping change that!”

The committee has turned into that political sideshow, and it’s time for it to end its work. And the day after the attack, Clinton told the Egyptian prime minister, “We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film”.


Gowdy had no problem recycling these unoriginal accusations against Clinton during her hearing. And that is very, very good news for Hillary Clinton. They were unfocused, partisan, condescending and angry.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during the Iowa Democratic Party's Jefferson Jackson Dinner on Oct. 24