
Who won CNBC’s Republican presidential debate?

Furious Republican presidential contenders attacked not only each other and Democrats in Wednesday’s debate; they lashed out at the three CNBC moderators and the media.


Bush tried to chastise Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a man he had once mentored, about Rubio’s poor attendance record in the Senate since mounting his campaign for President.

Those who’d been wondering if former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush could finally turn the tide and put in a performance that might calm his base of donors had to be quite disappointed by what they witnessed. It was the equivalent of a teenager who, after telling the whole school in that he was going to fight a classmate at lunchtime, stopped up being the one taking the licking.

After the debate, the candidates and the Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus accused CNBC’s moderators-Carl Quintanilla, Becky Quick, and John Harwood-of insulting them and their policies and intentionally phrasing questions to make the candidates attack each other.

Cruz has been a strong fundraiser in the presidential race, with his campaign reporting $26.6 million in contributions since his March announcement.

Also the subject of criticism after the debate: the questioners. Marco Rubio, why don’t you resign [from the Senate]?

Chris Christie called Clinton a pessimist who wouldn’t get “within 10 miles of the White House” if he became the Republican candidate.

Dr. Ben Carson stated, “I’ve asked my staff to reach out to all these staffs of all the other candidates and let’s talk about a different type of format ” on Thursday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

“We’re running for the same position and someone has convinced you that attacking me is going to help you”, Rubio said.

“You know, let me say something at the outset”.

(CNN)The third Republican debate seems to have bolstered a trend a few weeks in the making.

“I think the families need to get together here, because these debates as structured by the RNC are not helping the party”, Bennett told the Examiner.

“Last night, all of the polls – every single one of ’em – said I won”, Trump bragged, referring to online questionnaires taken during and after the debate.

“I read that editorial today with a great amusement”, Rubio said.


The CNBC debate “has the possibly of being a very important moment in American politics because it so clearly demonstrates the need for a change in format”, he said.

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