
Outlast II Officially Announced, Arriving Fall 2016

Red Barrels, the development studio behind highly rated horror title, Outlast, has announced that it has a sequel in the making for release next year.


What better way to celebrate Halloween than to see an Outlast 2 trailer? That is, right before glowing green eyes appear on the edge of the horizon, peering into your soul like a damned nightmare. The game puts players in the shoes of Miles Upshur, a journalist who, thanks to an anonymous tip, goes to explore the mysterious Mount Massive Asylum – it’s pretty good for a modern survival horror game. OUTLAST 2 will test your faith, pushing players to a place where going mad is the only sane thing to do.’ Outlast II will be released across PS4, Xbox One and PC/Mac.

With Outlast possibly the first PlayStation 4 game I finish, and me loving horror games/movies, I’m all for Outlast 2 or whatever horror Red Barrels cooks up!

The game will feature an all-new setting and cast of characters. At the end of the trailer, night vision is switched on, and that’s when the creepy glowing eyes are revealed. Sound off and let us know what you liked and didn’t like in the first game.

A sequel to one of the scariest games in recent memory is in the works.


I’ve got high hopes for Outlast II.

Outlast 2 Confirmed By Red Barrels Out In 2016