
Test scores for Virginia students beat national average; little changed from 2013

Tennessee improved in overall national ranking in three of the four tests. “I think we need to continue to recruit and retain-especially at the high school level-qualified math teachers”.


Not only did Mississippi’s fourth graders make significant gains in reading, they also made gains in math.

Hillsborough County’s eighth grade students have dropped significantly in math and reading proficiency since 2011, according to numbers released Wednesday by the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Wright said that although much of the attention had gone to improving reading, she said the state has been working to improve math instruction as well.

NAEP results are based on representative sample of students in grades four and eight, measuring subject matter achievement in reading and math. Federal law requires that states receiving Title 1 funds must participate in NAEP’s reading and math assessments, however individual student participation is voluntary. Fifty-two percent of white Virginia fourth graders performed at or above the proficient level, compared with 19% of blacks, and 32% of Hispanics. “The uptick in JCPS scores indicates that the school system is making substantial progress in implementing new college and career-ready standards and important headway in boosting student achievement”.

Indiana eighth-graders saw a 1-point drop in math and a 1-point gain in reading, while Indiana fourth-graders saw a 1-point drop in math and a 2-point gain in reading.

Meanwhile, 47 percent of the state’s fourth-graders reached or exceeded proficiency in math, compared to 39 percent nationally.

Patting Texas educators and the legislators who say they support education on the back for a job well done would be great.

Wyoming eighth-graders were also above the national average in reading, with only five states performing higher. “These results also underscore the importance of focusing on literacy, so our students can compete with their peers across the country”.

Overall, the NAEP rated Tennessee as having no significant change since the last test results in 2013.

Scores were flat or down nationwide.

Pennsylvania had 16,575 students in 263 schools take the NAEP a year ago.

In math, the fourth grade black-white achievement gap was 25 points, and the Latino-white gap was 18 points.

The Connecticut Education Association, which is the state’s largest teachers union, issued a statement after the NAEP scores were released, urging these scores to be viewed as the result of flawed policy.

Using separate 0-500 scales, fourth graders in 2015 had an average math score of 240 points.


Schools will receive the Milestones results next month.

Stephanee Stephens and her students use tablets during an eighth grade Spanish class at Autrey Mill Middle School in Johns Creek Ga. on Thursday