
Stephen Colbert Calls Out Donald Trump’s “Small” Million Dollar Loan with the

“In a few ways [the debate] was impressive”.


On most late night shows, Tyson usually plays the role of friendly and excitable educator, leading hosts through celestial topics they hardly understand.

Like many of us, Stephen Colbert suffered through Wednesday’s GOP debate, and like many of us, he would like to purge the memory of it from his mind forever.

Colbert said the CNBC moderators set the tone with the very first question, when the candidates were asked – as if conducting a job interview – what was their biggest weakness.

“You heard right”, Colbert said. Kasich will join a string of other presidential hopefuls who have been guests on the show, including Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republicans Donald Trump and Texas Sen. “So I’m going to take a moment here to say, ‘Mr”. Or as Stephen Colbert calls it: the question that no one in the history of human existence has ever answered honestly. But of all the non-answers the candidates gave, Ted Cruz’s was the most least: “‘If you want someone to grab a beer with, I may not be that guy, but if you want someone to drive you home, I will get the job done'”. By the end, nearly all the candidates had taken turns slamming the moderators and the media, calling the whole thing biased.


As Colbert points out, not only did a few of the questions come off as amateurish or just plain rude, but there was also a lack of preparation on the part of the moderators, such as when Donald Trump was asked to explain his objections to Mark Zuckerberg’s stance on immigration.

Gov. Kasich going on Late Show with Stephen Colbert