
Red Cross in need of blood donors

Red Cross officials say that this can cut the time spent at blood drives by up to 15 minutes, but add that donors are still encouraged to set up advance appointments. Blood donations made at high school, university and college blood drives account for as much as 20 percent of blood donations through the Red Cross.


The system streamlines the donation process by allowing donors to complete pre-donation reading and health history questions online rather than in-person.

“RapidPass is a simple, convenient way for Red Cross donors to make the most of their time while helping save lives”.

Once you complete the RapidPass, print it off or show the completed RapidPass when you come in to donate.

The blood drive at Geva continues until 1 p.m., but anyone can always call 1-800-RED-CROSS anytime to make an appointment to donate.


“The need for blood is constant and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community”, Red Cross representative Brandie Spradley said.

American Red Cross Blood Drive