
Jeb Campaign Facing Cash-Strapped Weeks Ahead

However, there is a big shift in the debate when Bush criticized Senator Marco Rubio, who he said had a poor record of passing legislation, as do Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.


“You should be showing up to work”.

“The Senate, what is it like a French work week? The question is how quickly can you get off the ropes and back into the fight”. “Let someone else take the job”, he said. She said she liked hearing Bush’s answers but was searching for more gusto.

The French were not impressed.

“The French work an average of 39.6 hours a week compared to 39.2 for the Germans”, Araud wrote on Twitter. No, but a pregnancy paid leave of 16 weeks yes! And proud of it. On Thursday, the French were less than thrilled with his take – and the White House found itself caught in the middle.

And for what it’s worth, American workers – who work longer hours, use fewer vacation days, and retire later – do beat out France in terms of GDP per hour worked. In 2012, an ad called The French Connection produced by the Newt Gingrich campaign attacked Mitt Romney for speaking French. The 35-hour mark is “simply a threshold above which overtime or rest days start to kick in”, French economist Jean-Marie Perbost told BBC past year.

That comment did not go over too well with the French.

Jacob Parent, 14, of Punta Gorda, Fla. holds a sign over his face while waiting for Governor Jeb Bush to arrive during a tailgate before the Port Charlotte High School at Charlotte High School football game in Punta Gorda, Fla. on Friday, October 30, 2015.

The campaign was not the only one to dismiss the remark.

French anger over the comment continued Thursday at the White House, when French Canal+ journalist Laura Haim asked press secretary Josh Earnest what President Barack Obama thought of the jibe.


“The simple fact is”, Bush continued forcefully, “you got to be who you are, and I know who I am. I’ve just got to go”, the Wall Street Journal quoted Ciccone as saying, while the Bush campaign expressed gratitude for her service.

Marco Rubio