
What happens when one man meets his doppleganger?

Just to drive the doppelganger theory home even further, the men also randomly met up at several pubs while drinking across the area.


The parted ways, and apparently didn’t even think to ask each others’ names. “Total weirdness. We had a laugh and a pint”, he said to the Guardian. Take a selfie, naturally.

However, when Mr Douglas checked into his hotel in Galway he found his doppelganger, who lives in London, checking into the same hotel ahead of him.

Both men later shared a pint on Store Street to celebrate this rare glitch in the matrix.

The civil servant said: “I had actually swapped my seat on the plane so that a couple could sit together”.

That’s exactly what happened last night on a Ryanair flight from Scotland to Ireland, according to today’s reports.

‘It turned out that we were staying at the same hotel, and we saw him in a few pubs that night.

When Neil Thomas Douglas walked onto to his flight, he didn’t expect to see his beard-twin sitting in his seat.

The internet is loving all of the Neil Douglas twins and has created a number of memes to celebrate the occasion.

While their faces look strikingly alike, there’s one noticeable difference between the pair when you step back a few feet: Stirling is a good bit taller than Douglas.


You’ll recall yesterday how the entire world was utterly captivated by these two guys who met on a Ryanair flight.

Photographer left seeing double by plane doppelganger