
Google releases Who’s Down app to help friends make plans

Once you’ve got a suite of apps covering email, office apps, maps, an intelligent assistant, photos, notes, calendars, messaging, social networking and just about everything else, there aren’t many new directions to explore. The antivirus programs are not only effective at removing viruses but also at ensuring that the malware does not re-infect the Android device later. The app is also easy to use, designed well and packed with features for no cost.


Apple music does indeed seem to be the ultimate music app to have, but it would still be judged by Android users once it crosses over.

So if you are planning your app indexing spamming strategy, it sounds like they have plans to be able to catch it before it hits the search results.

To compete with Apple’s Find My Friends tool and Foursquare’s Swarm app, Google has launched an interesting app named “Who’s Down”. It’s up to you, as the status lets you specify all that, with a group chat that lets you and your friends discuss your plans further.

There are various other games and activity apps out there, both specific to the holiday or with Halloween specific downloads, like The Simpsons Tapped Out. If you’re a true blue Android dev, you should be familiar with these guys.

But of course, iPhones are not always the best choice for most mobile users. Though Apple Music does offer the first three months for free. It is unlocked with several accessories. Developers can expect to learn more about Google Cast and Android TV. This software opened up in June and has been a viral success and now this software that is indeed on the up and up will be strolling down Android’s lane and taking the Android users by storm. Apple CEO Tim Cook said around 15 million users have subscribed to the app.


According to Tim, the Android switchers contributed to 30 percent of iPhone sales in the Q4. The number is said to be the largest Apple has ever recorded since they started measuring it years ago. Please let us know by commenting below.

What mobile OS is easier to develop games for?