
Jury selection underway in trial of ex-NY Assembly speaker

“Why three men?” he asked.


Indeed, soon after Silver was indicted, so was Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, a Long Island Republican, was also indicted in a corruption scandal. They say Silver seems to be planning a smoke-and-mirrors defense aimed at leaving jurors confused about what’s right and wrong.

The trials are the highest-profile cases in a string of corruption scandals.

Silver is the biggest target so far in a string of public corruption cases U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s office has brought.

Nebraska is the only state with a single-house legislature.

“The institutional reputation is in the sewer, and can’t go lower”, he said.

Silver has steadfastly professed his innocence since his arrest in January, insisting federal prosecutors misinterpreted the law, turning innocent actions such as pursuing private employment into crimes. As early as Tuesday, a jury in Manhattan federal court will begin hearing evidence that payments Silver received while working at a law firm were actually bribes meant to influence legislative work.

Silver would get kickbacks from the firms and allegedly disguise the money as legitimate income as a private lawyer.

Silver’s trial is set to last four to six weeks.

Following Silver’s arrest, Columbia said it would dissolve the center and fire Taub, who has challenged his termination in a lawsuit.

At one law firm specializing in personal injury and asbestos removal, Weitz & Luxenberg, Silver collected millions of dollars in referral fees for lining up state grants for a doctor’s research, according to prosecutors.

One of the developers is Glenwood Management, which manages almost 9,000 apartments in Manhattan and is a major campaign donor for New York politicians.

Skelos, 67, has said he and his son will be found innocent.


A lawyer for Glenwood, which is not accused of wrongdoing, did not respond to a request for comment on Friday.

Joe Bruno’s drastic plan to clean up NY legislature