
Premiums expected to rise in many health law markets

“The latest victim is Consumers” Choice Health Insurance Company of South Carolina, which announced Thursday it would be winding down at year-end.


Under the health law’s expansion of coverage, more than 625,000 Illinois residents have gained insurance through Medicaid and another 350,000 Illinoisans bought private insurance on the subsidized marketplace.

The open enrollment period will close January 31.

Officially called Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans, these not-for-profit co-ops were devised during the overhaul’s creation in order to inject more competition into insurance markets. The lawsuit seeks a refund of that amount and an order prohibiting future collections of the tax from states or from companies managing state Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance programs. In testing this feature of the website, insurers sometimes found that the information was inaccurate.

“This was a hard decision for the insurer and this agency, but this is what is in the best interests of South Carolina consumers and health care providers”, said Farmer. For example, if you rely on a specific drug, you’ll want to know whether your insurer covers it. If you’ve been seeing the same doctor for many years, you’ll probably want to stick with him or her, particularly if it’s for treatment of a serious condition. But the categories are big enough to mask a lot of variation. To help them navigate this system, all graduating seniors will receive a letter from the Insurance Commissioner explaining the importance of health insurance, the options under the Affordable Care Act and the help available for learning more about insurance.

The new tools should give consumers a much clearer sense of what they’re getting with a given plan, HHS officials say.

“The new features we are adding to are based on feedback we heard directly from our consumers”, Lori Lodes, a department spokeswoman, told The Huffington Post.

In theory, publicizing this information could have an important secondary effect.


In addition, under the ACA excise tax provision that the measure would repeal, a 40% tax will be imposed, starting in 2018, on the portion of group health care plan premiums that exceed $10,200 for single coverage and $27,500 for family coverage. A report released during the summer by the Health and Human Services department’s inspector general’s office said only that only one out of the 23-the co-op in Maine-made money a year ago.

Ninth cooperative formed under Affordable Care Act closing