
Porcupine attacks three dogs in Saskatchewan

The owner of three dogs who was landed with a hefty vet bill after his pets encountered a prickly situation with a porcupine has raised thousands of pounds in a crowdfunding campaign.


Mahalo had to be rushed to a veterinarian after the porcupine’s quills pierced his heart and lungs.

Mahalo was severely injured and required extensive surgery to remove quills from her heart and lungs, Mazur told CBC news.

The two younger dogs, 19-month-old Mahalo and nine-month-old Nestah, came to his aid but almost didn’t make it out alive after Mahalo jumped right on top of the porcupine.

The third dog, Solijah, took less of a hit, with a goatee worth of quills on the chin.

Dennis Mazur, the dogs’ owner, is a farmer outside of the city of Regina, in the middle of Canada. “Mahalo had quills that migrated up into her lungs and into her heart”.

Mazur said he was watching Mahalo closely.

“As long as these are the last of the quills in here, we should be on the road to recovery now”.

Unable to afford the rising cost to help save Mahalo’s life, his friend set up a page on to spread the word and help Dennis raise the money he needed to save his dog.

Although porcupines look cute, their quills can be unsafe, with many dogs in North America suffering quill-related injuries every year.


Mazur’s friend, Mike Gerrand, started a GoFundMe online campaign to help Mazur pay for the vet bills, not including the time Mazur has had to take off work.

Canadian dogs spiked by porcupine