
New Zealand Releases Text of Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Deal

The fine print released on Thursday will be important after intense talks in Atlanta a month ago broke a deadlock over trade in dairy products, pharmaceuticals and automotive products.


But as the Guardian also noted, the deal also apparently “includes safeguards against abusive claims and guarantees governments the right to enforce health, labor, safety and environmental regulations in the public interest”.

Since the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994, over 50,000 Oregon workers have been certified by the Department of Labor as having lost their jobs due to trade.

The accord must be signed and ratified by the respective countries and many may experience difficulties, not least in the USA as it tries to convince a sceptical Congress. In the days and weeks ahead I will be talking with Oregon workers, farmers and ranchers, manufacturers, and innovators to learn about what this agreement will do for them. “But the TPP includes a few new factors that will become global standard for free trade, such as a standardized place of origin rules, limiting excessive protectionism for state-run companies and eased rules on e-commerce”.

Details of the 30-chapter agreement, which runs to hundreds of pages, were released online today.

The release of the much-guarded text has renewed calls for action to stop the TPP as a “toxic deal” and “disaster for democracy”.

KINIBIZ The Malaysian negotiators have secured a significantly higher threshold for participation in government procurement under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, said the worldwide Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti). Details have been under wraps during the more than five years of negotiations, angering those concerned over its broad implications.

He said he does not trust the record of the Office of the United States Trade Representative, and so he would like workers to have the right to bring their problems to a settlement panel – something corporations can do under the trade deal.

Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb said the text was being released well in advance of its official signing to allow the public time to examine and understand it. “It is the latest stage in the corporate capture of our society”, Nick Dearden, the director of advocacy group Global Justice Now, said in a statement.

The TPP has been a controversial issue in the Democratic presidential primary.

The TPP rules mean that more than half of a vehicle could be sourced from outside the 12 countries participating in the trade pact and still be sold in the United States – the bloc’s largest market – without tariffs.


If all goes well, the deal could be on the Congress’ table by March, but when lawmakers would schedule a vote remains uncertain, as congressional leaders could choose to delay the process even until after Obama leaves the White House in January 2017.

Tim Groser