
Senator Gardner first Senator to endorse Marco Rubio

The conservative website Breitbart News has been hammering Rubio frequently on the issue of immigration.


“I made the mistake of saying that the Congress operates on a French work week”, he was reported as saying. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has 10 percent in the survey and Jeb Bush trails in fifth place with 7 percent.

At the time, he was part of a shortlist of vice presidential candidates for Mitt Romney the Republican nominee.

The real estate tycoon was in particularly strident form in New Hampshire, where he officially filed to be on the ballot in the nation’s first Republican state primary election.

“I really did a disservice to the French”, Bush continued with a chuckle, adding shortly thereafter.

But that wasn’t enough to keep Marco Rubio out of the presidential race and Bush has been fading in polls of Florida, losing ground to Rubio and other candidates like Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

After a series of lackluster debate performances, anemic poll numbers, skittish donors, and “low-energy” taunts from rival Donald Trump, it’s no wonder the press is already circling Jeb Bush’s campaign like vultures, writing “autopsies” of “2016’s most overhyped campaign”. Yes, he’s in a bad spot, but I don’t think he’s going to go away. “I believe Marco Rubio represents that generational choice that we need to get this country back on track”. Marco Rubio looks on during a Republican presidential debate, October 28, 2015, in Boulder, Colorado. The new campaign slogan comes as Bush is also working to fix his political fortunes.

“Every month I would get a bill at my home and I would review it. If there was something on it that was personal, I would pay it, and if it wasn’t, the party paid it”, Rubio told reporters in New Hampshire on Wednesday.

Priority No. 1 for Bush, acknowledged even by him, is injecting a few life into his campaign.

During his U.S. Senate run in 2010, Rubio faced similar criticism from then-opponent Charlie Crist, who attacked the upstart candidate on the same topic.


“I will do anything, I will move mountains and hills and rivers to make that man president”, she said. So, I called her. I said, “You’re wrong”. You could read the displeasure on their faces: Aw, dammit, this means I have to keep campaigning, doesn’t it?

Republican presidential candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush left addresses an audience at a campaign event held in a barn belonging to former Sen. Scott Brown R-Mass. in Rye N.H. Bush is raising his voice and has a