
Saturday Night Live Mistakenly Uploads Epic Donald Trump Promos

“They come up with many, many skits and you pick the ones you think you like”, Trump explained.


“We’re Latino kids born in the U.S.”, the girl later says, with the boy adding, declares, “And we’ve got something to say”.

Using the hashtag #RacismIsntFunny, activists have demanded a different host be found for the show, sentiments echoed in a letter sent to the SNL’s producer and the president of NBCUniversal.

The same liberal advocacy group is offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who disrupts this week’s Saturday Night Live episode, featuring Trump as host, by yelling “Trump is a racist” or “Deport racism”. Media observers don’t see the billionaire being pulled off SNL this weekend.

Angered by Trump’s recent comments describing Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, a coalition of groups delivered more than 500,000 signatures to the network.

What’s your main opposition to Donald Trump having a few fun on Saturday Night Live, on a Saturday night?

There’s a plethora of controversy regarding “The Donald” showing up on SNL, with sites like launching petitions to try and get NBC to cancel Trump’s guest host appearance on SNL on Saturday, November 7. “It’s time for me to start advertising a little bit”, he said.

In the uncut version Trump says of his fellow Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson that he is a “complete and total loser”, a statement that is not unlike many things that Trump has said but very unlike conduct becoming a Presidential candidate.

When asked about the Latino protest and petition, calling on NBC and SNL to rescind its invitation to Donald Trump, representatives for NBC and SNL declined to comment. Clinton’s appearance, in which she talked Keystone XL and Donald Trump, gave the show its highest ratings since January.


The Congressional Hispanic Caucus said Monday that it opposes NBC’s decision letting Trump host the popular sketch comedy series, given his remarks about illegal immigrants. The line drew the attention of Carson (who said he wouldn’t watch the program anyway, expressing disappointment with the swipe).

Donald Trump copies Sia's famous wig in the newest promo for his upcoming Saturday Night Live appearance