
Houston Equal Rights Ordinance: LGBT ‘Bathroom Bill’ Struck Down By Voters

Supporters of the ordinance included President Obama, Hillary Clinton and actress Sally Field, who visited Houston last week to speak on behalf of Prop 1.


But the Reverend David Welch, a HERO opponent, said fear of predators in public restrooms is valid.

The fight for HERO began previous year in May, when a law was first established by the Houston City Council, effectively banning discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations and city services based on race, religion, age, disability, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristics. The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance would have banned discrimination against transgender people, permitting, for instance, men who “perceive” themselves as women to use women’s restrooms, locker rooms & different gender-specific facilities within the city. Backers of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community said it reflected the values of a modern and multicultural city and was needed to stamp out bigotry. However, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy says the league does not plan to move the Super Bowl from Houston. Will you stand with us and make a donation today to this important effort? . Hankla says there’s already an ordinance in place against discrimination, so why pile on another rule or law? He described the result as “a massive victory for common sense, safety, and religious freedom”. Opponents are gathering signatures for a 2016 ballot measure that would overturn the law and require people to use facilities that correspond with their “biological sex”.

“Houston elites were afraid to let the voters vote, and they had good reason to be”, England said.

“Protect women’s privacy – prevent danger – vote no on the proposition one bathroom ordinance”.

Kenneth D. Upton Jr., senior sounsel in Lambda Legal’s South Central Regional Office in Dallas, said after the election, “We knew this vote would be an uphill battle and we witnessed the opponents of HERO pull out all the stops, launching a campaign full of distortions and fear-mongering created to mislead and confuse voters”. It is not just the case that they don’t have (an anti-discrimination ordinance).

The ordinance was reportedly backed by Houston Mayor Annise Parker and other Democratic political figures.

Kristen Capps, a Houston attorney who supported the ordinance, remained optimistic.

Opponents of the ordinance turned Houston into ground zero in the culture war.

“Supporters said the ordinance was similar to those approved in 200 other cities”, the article said.

Supporters sold it as an anti-discrimination measure protecting a broad range of citizens from the elderly to veterans.

A Houston ordinance that outlawed discrimination against the LGBTQ community was defeated Tuesday after a controversial campaign waged by anti-gay activists and promoted by Gov. Greg Abbott (R).


The Houston mayoral election was also impacted by this ordinance.

Early Vote Results Lean Toward Repeal Of Houston's Nondiscrimination Law