
Death to American policies, not the nation

When Iran’s Supreme Leader and thousands of radical Islamists chant “Death to America”, they mean exactly what they are saying.


Oh, and while we’re on the subject, Iran also just announced that they’ve arrested another American, not that anyone seems to have noticed.

“Your “Death to America” slogan, and the cries by the Iranian nation, have strong logical support behind them”, he told Iranian students in Tehran, according to The Associated Press. “I think they’ve said ‘Death to America” in their chants’.

“The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the takeover of the USA embassy by a group of students was a reaction to the continuation of Washington’s conspiracies and the Americans” sheltering of the definitive enemy of the nation, Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi. Instead it simply means “death to US policies and arrogance”.

According to Khamenei, the nuclear accord with world powers reached in July, should help the Iranian economy become more independent, which should have happened years ago. “But… the policies of the United States have been against the national interests of Iranian people (so) it’s understandable that people will demonstrate sensitivity to this issue”, Rouhani said, as quoted by Yahoo News.

“The truth is that U.S.’s objectives regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran have not changed at all, and they would not spare a moment if they could destroy the Islamic Republic, but they can’t”, the ayatollah said. A wave of recent arrests – whose targets included Iranian journalists and a Lebanese technology activist who worked in the United States – could deepen Iran’s political confrontations even as the first steps of the nuclear deal take shape. Khamenei and hard-liners in the Iranian government remain deeply suspicious of the US and view its policies a threat to the country.

Maybe, said Mr. Jones, “but Canada lost the ability to assist Israel” by lobbying on its behalf in Tehran and by encouraging moderate Iranian elements.

Foreign firms are poised to return to Iran following the lifting of global sanctions under the nuclear deal, but it remains unclear whether American brands will be allowed in.

The parents of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was killed in a 2012 bombing attack, posted pictures online accusing America of sponsoring their son’s murder.

Nisrene Yousif, a Beirut-based political analyst and researcher, attributed the sharpening tensions to “internal political competition” before parliamentary elections in February.


A few protesters dragged a coffin marked “Obama” through the street while others carrying long balloons representing Iran’s latest ballistic missile, which was tested in October in defiance of a United Nations ban.

Anti-U.S. protest