
Rebel fire kills 20 civilians in Yemen’s Aden

The peacekeeping force is meant to support Yemen’s army and security forces until Hadi’s government rebuilds the military and security establishments in accordance with the principles established by the Comprehensive National Dialogue, the source said. “There is no indication that the Saudi Arabia-led military coalition has done anything to prevent and redress such violations”, said Donatella Rovera, Senior Crisis Response Advisor at Amnesty worldwide.


Rebel fire on a residential district of Yemen’s second city Aden killed at least 20 civilians Wednesday as loyalist forces in central city Taez launched a manhunt for 1,200 escaped prisoners.

Eight Houthis were really also murdered with in outbreak along at the masses registry among the Red Sea seaport metropolitan area of Hodeida employed by parts of the band, hometown professionals said. They have claimed a series of attacks including a auto bomb in Yemen’s capital Sanaa which killed at least 28 people on Monday.

Medical officials say hospitals in Aden are overwhelmed, as operating rooms work around the clock to treat patients injured in the ongoing conflict.

United Nations: Under mounting pressure from UN officials who warn of the risk of an imminent starvation, the Saudi-backed Yemeni government said it expected a pause in the fighting to be declared to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid, a government minister said on Thursday. The United Nations is already scrambling to respond to top-level humanitarian emergencies in Iraq, Syria and South Sudan.

Under the emergency plan, the United Nations will try to reach 11.7 million people most in need.

“The coalition’s aerial bombing of Saada killed dozens of civilians, devastating entire families”, said HRW Middle East and North Africa director Sarah Leah Whitson. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to reporters. It did not specify when the attack took place.

The base is near Al-Mukulla, a port city which has been the target of several drones attacks in recent weeks including one that killed Nasser Al-Wuhayshi, the leader of AQAP, one of the most active branches of the Al-Qaeda militant network.


The location targeted by the missile lies more than 250 miles off of Saudi Arabia’s border with Yemen.

Smoke billows from an oil refinery in the port city of Aden