
Latino group offers $5000 bounty to ‘Disrupt Trump’ on ‘SNL’

In one, Trump calls Ben Carson a “complete and total loser”.


One such group has even offered a $5,000 bounty to anyone who disrupts Saturday’s program by calling Trump a “racist”.

The protests over NBC’s decision to have Donald Trump host Saturday Night Live (SNL) tomorrow night are getting really serious.

“You don’t understand, then, what “sanctuary cities” do”, Becerra replied.

In the first, narrated by Trump, the candidate says his opponents have no experience in job creation, and that as president, Trump will “make the greatest trade deals we’ve ever made in our country”. The comment led NBC to sever ties with Trump, who later said at a Chicago news conference: “They will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but won’t stand behind people that tell it like it is, as unpleasant as that may be”. “Who do these groups think they’re impressing by doing this?”

Demonstrators gather in front of NBC studios in New York City to protest Trump’s “SNL” appearance.

“We understand the power of shows like Saturday Night Live-it’s not just comedy, it’s people’s lives, it attacks their real lives”, Robinson said.

“We refuse to keep silent in the face of the alarming declarations of the candidate for the presidency of the United States Donald Trump”, the letter reads. But if I were to run against him, would I win?

Fox Business host Charles Payne tried to stick up for Donald Trump on Thursday by arguing that his anti-immigrant remarks have not been exclusively against Mexicans, Media Matters reported.

Many other presidential candidates have appeared in cameos on the show, which often parodies them anyway – most recently Hillary Clinton surprised audiences as an empathetic bartender to Kate McKinnon’s spot-on impersonation. “Nor will he return to the long-running reality show “The Celebrity Apprentice” as host, a role Trump already said he would give up because of his presidential bid”.


The National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts and the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda sent a letter to Lorne Michaels, the executive producer of SNL, last month to say they were “flabbergasted” at Trump’s invitation.

Protest against Donald Trump's 'Saturday Night Live' guest host appearance grows