
The Walking Dead “Now” Preview: The aftermath of the Alexandria attack

The last time we saw Glenn, Nicholas had just shot himself, sending both men plummeting to their apparent doom underneath the crushing weight of a zombie herd.


“I was in that episode and I watched that episode and I was like how could they do that!” “We rip your guts out – literally”, Reedus told The Wall Street Journal.

According to the report, Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl in the series, talked about his sentiments about the third episode, where they showed the fate of Glen. The acting is so on point, the directing is so on point. We noted during our night-of analysis that the episode was titled “Thank You”, and if a dead Nicholas were to really save Glenn, the title would have a dual meaning after Nicholas muttered those same words to his traveling companion before pulling the trigger.

What will happen in Episode 5 of Walking Dead Season 6?

Whether significant to the plot, wrapping up a story arc, or juxtaposing the violence of other characters’ actions, these were the deaths that most impacted The Walking Dead. She even teased that if her character were to lose Glenn, Maggie won’t be able to survive his death. Recently, AMC dropped the new, official synopsis/spoilers for their upcoming “The Walking Dead” episode 6 of season 6, and it sounds very intense and dramatic as a new threat arrives on the scene.

Unfortunately, they won’t make it to Glenn’s destination.

“I think that there is a sense – and it’s amongst the viewers, and the fans – that at the moment, Morgan, as seen at the end of Season five and the beginning of Season six, that somehow he is sane”, James said after last week’s Walking Dead. “It’s not always fun and it’s not always cheerful but it’s our show”.

“Is Nicholas still alive?!” the producer said.


Nicotero is quick to point out that he has received multiple notes from fans that he calls “I love your work but f**k you!” letters, and that he’s read all the fan attempts at possible extraction scenarios. However, the latest episode of the zombie apocalypse series showed that Steven Yeun, the actor who played Glenn, was already removed from the opening credits. “We have to see it, we have to fight it. If we don’t fight, we die”.

Michael Traynor and Steven Yeun The Walking Dead