
Sanders Chides Clinton: She Leads When It’s Popular But Not When It’s

Each candidate was pressed on questions customized to hit their potential weak spots. Bernie Sanders, a lifelong independent who just recently declared that he is a Democrat, and Hillary Clinton, who supported the Republican Party as a teenager, reports NBC News.


Speaking in the state which will have the first Southern primary, Sanders acknowledged he had a few work to do.

Without telling the kids who he was bringing out, Jimmy invited Hillary Clinton into the room, and guess who the only two were who could correctly identify her? Joy, 29, of Walnut Creek, said the slight chance that Sanders could win the Democratic nomination would “in a sense make it easy for Republicans to show themselves as the party of free enterprise” since his democratic socialist policies would involve strict controls on the capitalist system.

When asked why African-American voters should take him seriously as a candidate, Sanders talked about his involvement in the civil rights movement and a participant at the March on Washington with Martin Luther King Jr.

Meanwhile, at Orangeburg, Clinton continued her focus on minority voters. And she pushed back against the notion that she’s a captive of the Wall Street donors who have provided financial backing for her campaigns since she was a New York senator.

“If we are going to make progress on this issue – and I know Hillary Clinton has kind of misstated my view – as a nation, we are going to have to stop shouting at each other, and we’re going to have to come together”, he said. Afterward, many Democrats and political analysts said that he had appeared to dismiss her use of a private email account and server in her four years as secretary of state. She also talked about issues plaguing the African American community.

O’Malley, who’s struggling to break double-digits in national polls, criticized Clinton’s opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, a project rejected by President Barack Obama earlier on Friday after a yearslong campaign by liberal activists. “If I’m wrong about the public debate, I obviously take responsibility for that”, the candidate said.

O’Malley didn’t train all his fire on Clinton, however.

Is Hillary a hawk or a dove? And they both have supported the Iraq War.

Sanders drew a clear contrast by saying he opposes the Syria decision. Clinton said she would not be a “more aggressive commander in chief than President Obama”.

Clinton is trying to tie herself to Obama in this state – where the president remains extremely popular – but, as she regularly says, is noting that she will not be his third term. In a poll out this week conducted by the forum’s host, Winthrop University, 71 percent of those surveyed said Clinton was their first choice.

The three candidates answered questions on issues of the South becoming a region that continues to grow in support of the Republican Party, building America’s infrastructure and issues facing African Americans in the US today. On Friday, he took that opportunity.


“John Kasich last week told me he thinks these debates amount to “American Idol.’ Chris Christie told me that they’re offering ‘sugar highs” for candidates”.

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