
‘The Walking Dead’ Showrunner Scott Gimple Addresses Last Night’s Shocking Ending

Since then, it’s been a back and forth between fans and HBO executives as to whether or not Jon Snow is actually alive. The photo depicts Glenn in a scene with Daryl and Jesus, who will be introduced later on this year.


But you can’t always believe what you see. First of all, the Walking Dea scene itself was a little sketchy.

They find that the feed store has already burnt to a crisp, and following Nicholas’s bad instincts, they end up in a dead end, with walkers surrounding them on both sides. And if the Walkers were pulling his guts out like it seemed, Glenn would be dead, not screaming in horror.

As it turns out, the entire situation got the better of Nicholas who then went into an ear-ringing anxiety attack which he had immediately snapped out of. Nicholas clearly fell on him.

Here come big spoilers, so if you haven’t yet watched the episode, or have somehow avoided the shocked reactions, be warned that I’m going to talk about what happened.

Now, all of that is well and good, but HOW COULD GLENN HAVE SURVIVED??

Now, if all that isn’t enough to convince you he’s alive, how about the fact that The Spoiling Dead Fans have a pic on their Facebook page of Glenn Rhee on set with Thomas Payne, who plays a new character coming on named Jesus.

The first part of the episode saw the Rick (Andrew Lincoln) leading the survivors back to Alexandria and fighting a lot of walkers along the way.

Season 6, episode 3 of the AMC series certainly made it look like that. However, a report from ET Online provides ample evidence supporting speculations that Glenn may yet survive to die another day.

Yeun also mentioned how things were “poignant and purposeful and meaningful” on TWD.

However, it looks like Glenn may not be gone forever.

In the clip, we see Glenn with Nicholas (Michael Traynor) surrounded by walkers.

“Dear fans of The Walking Dead”, Gimple’s statement on Talking Dead began. But Yeun was nowhere to be seen. OK.

Spoilers ahead for last night’s The Walking Dead!

Fans hoping the producers may have tricked audiences into thinking Glenn had been killed shared possible alternative endings to the sixth season’s third episode. Is Glenn alive, dead or undead? It was not at all an ambiguous death, but Scott Gimple and co. are acting really cagey about admitting that this character is dead.


And there’s so much that still has to happen to Glenn before he can die! Maggie may be carry Glenn’s unborn child, or there might be flashbacks, or Glenn might be a zombie now – though he’d be in tatters anyway.

Glenn in season five