
‘POLITICAL HIT JOB’ Carson says claims about his past boost fundraisers

Thank you for joining us. I have tremendous admiration, obviously, for West Point, which is why I included that story, and tremendous admiration for the people who serve in our country. “And Ben Carson was in the class, ‘” Curtis Bakal told Buzzfeed. That’s no different than someone recruiting an athlete.


Most of last week a number of questions was raised about Dr. Carsons past, majority coming from numerous media outlets fact checking of his autobiography, “Gifted Hands”. But he only had $10 to apply. While he briefly considered the option after receiving what he referred to as an informal offer from the top American general during the Vietnam War, he ultimately chose Yale, which is the only school to which he had applied.

Carson was never offered admittance to the school because he never applied. In case you hadn’t been following the media wars of the past two weeks, let me bring you up to speed. And in that story, his mother absolutely said in this story there was a belt buckle stabbing. Oh, well, you said this when you were in kindergarten. “I think many of you who have covered both the 2008 campaign and this campaign can draw your own conclusions”. “I’m risky and I tried to kill people and I’m a bad person and I should be president.’ What world are we living in?”

And if that target is also a black who is running for the nation’s highest office, the media go into an absolute fury, foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. “It certainly doesn’t reflect well on Dr. Carson, but the issue is, even with that, we know there is kind of a double standard”. He should be thoroughly vetted. A man with no legislative record to examine, and no experience in government to judge him by insists the only record we have – his personal story – is above reproach. They can only vet his history as a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon.

In the third GOP debate, Carson said it was “absolutely absurd” to say he had a formal relationship with the company Mannatech. CNN reported it could not find friends or confidants to corroborate that story. He has to understand – he has to go this process, and there is a certain expectation. He’s surging in the polls again.

Rep. Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said Sunday he’s convinced that an Islamic State bomb recently took down a Russian airliner – saying “this is a new chapter for ISIS”, while comparing the incident to the 9/11 terror attacks and calling for tightened USA security. But no, it will not harm him. The awesome thing is that so many people seem to give him the benefit of the doubt. He added: “When you have pathological disease, that’s a very serious problem because that’s not something that’s cured”.


MONTAGNE: Armstrong Williams writes a nationally syndicated conservative newspaper column. But I also think that Republicans are a little bit defensive about this.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson speaks during the Black Republican Caucus of South Florida event