
The flu is now in Georgia

“Most people are going to feel very ill for a time and will get better without any bad things happening, but we can’t predict who is going to get super sick”. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports flu activity is minimal across the United States, but the flu is circulating right now in Georgia.


To save time, residents are encouraged to download the flu-vaccine consent form at and bring the completed form with them to the clinic.

Flu activity in San Diego County, and across the nation, is low so far this year and tests are showing that this the latest influenza vaccine is a good match for the viral strains in circulation.

“Last year, an unfortunate event occurred-dominant influenza viral strain mutated-and it changed sufficiently so that it profoundly reduced the effectiveness of last year’s influenza vaccine”, explained Bill Schaffner, MD, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID).

The people who were least vaccinated in the last year were adults with age from 18 to 49 years.

Rasigni, and the other moms – Magdalena Garcia, of East Harlem; Lynn Rosenger, of Borough Park; Michelle Carroll, of Bay Ridge; and Gabrielle Jakob, of Sheepshead Bay – say their kids will be barred from attending preschool if they don’t get them vaccinated before December 31.

In a typical flu season, flu complications send more than 200,000 people to the hospital. The flu-associated hospitalization rate among people 65 and older was the highest rate recorded since the CDC started tracking that data in 2005. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for the body to develop protection from the flu, according to the CDC.

Flu shots will be available for $29.


The NFID and CDC’s flu campaign is not only advocating for healthcare professionals to receive vaccinations themselves, but also calling on them to strongly recommend vaccinations for their patients.

The flu is now in Georgia