
Rubio’s Campaign Releases Credit Card Records

The last time Marco Rubio was in CT, the White House hopeful was the headliner at a Republican fundraising dinner named after the grandfather of Florida rival Jeb Bush.


News of Rubio’s trip to Vegas was included in statements from an American Express card issued to Rubio by the Republican Party of Florida. I tend to think it’s a little more significant that much of Rubio’s policy platform is based on lies and discredited economic theories. “The example he was setting was just spend it as freely as you want and we will just go out and raise more”.

Rubio’s use of the card for personal expenses – such as brick pavers, haircuts and movie tickets – when he served in the Florida House of Representatives has been an issue since his 2010 Senate race but has resurfaced as he rises in the polls as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. But the total charges to the card, based on the new information released today, was actually 182,000.

The other two attack ads on the main page describe how several of the Republican candidates – including Rubio, Bush and retired pediatric surgeon Ben Carson – are “wrong” for senior citizens and for ending gun violence. In 2012, the Florida Ethics Commission dismissed a complaint that was brought against him by a Democratic state politician in 2010. The card was issued to him by the Republican Party of Florida when he was in the state legislature.

“Marco is running for president and thinks the public has a right to know”, Harris told The NY Times.

“It will be soon – these are old documents and they take time to assemble”, Rubio told CNN’s Dana Bash. “I’m looking forward to welcoming Marco back to CT for the first of what I hope to be many future visits”.

Rubio’s finances also played out during his 2010 campaign for the U.S. Senate, when critics questioned details of his home mortgage payments and a liquidated retirement account. “I’m proud of where I come from”. Whereas, when it came to light that Bernie Sanders and his wife racked up tens of thousands in personal expenses on personal credit cards, well, Bernie is just emblematic of the common man.

Rubio used his card nearly 500 times between January 2005 and November 2006, spending almost $65,000, according to the campaign.

The disclosures appear to show Mr. Rubio paying American Express whenever he used the card for personal reasons. “My office did”, she said of Rubio. “I went through my American Express, or my staff did”. The Washington Post fact-checker recently examined the claims and counter-claims, concluding that Rubio’s explanation checked out and declaring, “a mountain’s been made of a molehill, by the media and Rubio’s opponents”.

Rubio responded with a lie.

The institute released a poll Monday showing Rubio in third place at 11% among likely Republican primary voters in SC. If Rubio has Ernst quietly set to endorse, though, I’d expect that he’d hold that back for awhile until we get closer to the caucuses for maximum impact.


“Rubio was one of about a half-dozen lawmakers given RPOF cards during years when the party was flush with cash”. “It was an attack leveled against me by Charlie Christ and it’s an attack that’s been debunked”.

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