
The Fourth Republican Debate In 100 Words (And Three Video Clips)

The campaign says the new video is created to show what Bush said about Rubio before he “started the phony attacks”.


In his opening statement at Tuesday night’s Republican debate on Fox Business, presidential hopeful Donald Trump said he would not raise the minimum wage and that wages are “too high”.

In a GOP primary where bashing the media is in vogue, Carson could come out ahead if the moderators of Tuesday’s debate on Fox Business Network are seen as unfairly piling on. And The Wall Street Journal reported that a Yale class Carson said he took, Perceptions 301, doesn’t exist.

He added: “People who know me know that I’m an honest person”.

Trump is the most searched Republican candidate, followed by former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Sen.

“The political language and the traditional prism through which we evaluate candidates essentially does not apply to Ben Carson”, said Phil Musser, a Republican strategist. Ted Cruz, businesswoman Carly Fiorina, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Kentucky Sen. While Trump has been a frequent critic of his rivals on the campaign trail, he looked to make his mark in the policy discussions, including opposing a new Asia-Pacific trade deal supported by many Republicans. Marco Rubio opposed raising the federal minimum wage.

“Taxes too high, wages too high”, said Trump, arguing it would damage the United States’ ability to compete internationally. There was little interaction among the candidates at first, and the moderators didn’t attempt to get them to engage each other, a notable shift after Republicans criticized the aggressiveness of the hosts in the last debate.

Republican USA presidential contenders attacked Donald Trump’s views on Syria and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday as simplistic and unrealistic, and rival Jeb Bush said the real estate mogul did not grasp “how the real world works”.

“You should let Jeb speak”, Trump lectured Rubio, and in making the supposedly friendly gesture, he only diminished the stature of the former Florida governor. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal repeatedly needled Christie, casting himself as the only true conservative with executive experience in the crowded race.


Risch says opponents will find any dirt they can to throw at a Presidential candidate, and Rubio’s Senate voting record is nothing out of the ordinary, just the reality of a White House bid. “Stay classy, because at the end of the day, if you don’t stay classy, what’s going to end up happening is all of these words are going to end up biting you”.

The candidates take part in the Republican presidential debate sponsored by Fox Business and the Wall Street Journal at the Milwaukee Theatre on Nov. 10 2015 in Milwaukee Wisconsin