
President Obama joins Facebook

The president now has his own personal Facebook page. Last week, Obama cited climate concerns as a key reason for rejecting the Keystone XL Pipeline, saying, “America’s now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change”.


“This page will offer Americans a new venue to share their thoughts with the President on the issues that they care about the most”, said Kori Schulman, the White House deputy director of digital strategy.

For someone who just joined Facebook on Monday, Obama already has more than 750,000 likes on his page, and more than 34,000 users shared his first post.

As Obama’s second term nears the end, he has become much more active on social media. Obama then works in a plug for his work fighting climate change and asks for support in trying to “preserve this handsome planet of ours” for future generations.

In his “Hello, Facebook!” post, Obama shared a video from the White House lawn showing him talking about his upcoming trip to Paris to discuss carbon pollution and other climate issues. What made Obama to choose Facebook as the medium of spreading his thoughts and words was the only reason that today nearly three out of four youth stay connected through Facebook. According to Barack Obama, there is a fox living on the premises and there is also a hawk nearby alongside squirrels that complete the national park. It’s taken him a little bit longer to get there than your aunt and her love for “questionable” Minions e-cards, but the official presence of POTUS is now a part of the social media Goliath.

The first post on the account is a video tour around the backyard of the White House.

Appropriately, President Obama’s first Facebook cover photo was a candid of himself overlooking a few lovely water scenescape because EARTH ROCKS.


But it is Barack Obama’s post on climate change that is making news these days; as no skepticism entertained, it is the issue for which resolution is needed as early as possible.

President Obama launches Facebook page