
Have you tried out Rise of the Tomb Raider’s Twitch chat integration?

It will also be interesting to see if Microsoft manages to keep this as an exclusive feature of the Xbox One when the PS4 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider eventually appears.


Twitch has partnered with Rise of the Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics and Microsoft to deliver a more interactive experience on the just released single-player action-adventure title.

This is done through a voting system using a total of 64 Expedition Cards. Once selected these modifiers will make the next five minutes of play either harder, easier or more entertaining. It also reminds me a lot of The Running Man or Hunger Games whose stories featured viewers who could influence their respective games from the outside, albeit these are much, much darker contexts.

Rise of the Tomb Raider streamers can play a new Expedition Mode game type that will cause a random set of Expedition Cards to occasionally pop up on the screen while they are playing. You can vote for your streamers to encounter big head mode, a rainbow trail following Lara or a headshot mechanic that slows time near enemies. However, for more intrepid gamers who want to increase the variety of their experience of the game, they need to go to open the options menu and turn on Broadcast Interactions. To be clear gift cards are only for Xbox One viewers that watch a stream made through the Xbox One Twitch app while the ability to interact with the Expedition mode will be available to any Twitch user. Every Xbox One Twitch viewer will receive a 30-day redeemable gift card consisting in 500 in-game credits. Viewer gifts of in-game credits are handed out when the player completes a side mission, challenge tomb, crypt, and other specific achievements.


Broadcasters playing Rise of the Tomb Raider can undergo Expedition Mode in order to implement such features.

New Rise Of The Tomb Raider Interactive Twitch Features And Rewards Explained