
Safety Officials: Check Smoke Alarms As You Turn Back Clocks

You also might feel a little off for the next day or so as your body adjusts to the time change.


According to Live Science, as well as the confusion caused by whether clocks go backward or forward (for people who don’t remember “spring forward, fall back”), the shift in time can also have a physical impact as well. However, any State can opt out of Daylight Saving Time by passing a State law.

California and most other states will “fall back” an hour at 2 a.m. Sunday, as the state returns to Pacific Standard Time. That all changed by 2007.

David Earnest, a professor of neuroscience and experimental therapeutics at Texas A&M University, told USA Today the system is rooted in agriculture, when much of the work traditionally occurs during daylight hours.

Tap on the time below and then scroll back one hour so that your time is now set for Daylight Saving Time. The confusion however started in 2005.

With iOS 9.1 on many devices we may see no problems with the time switch for the end of Daylight Saving Time 2015, but Apple’s track record isn’t exactly great. NASA noted at the time “Beginning in 2007 Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday of March”. They do caution, however, that this is just an assumption and that more research would be needed to determine whether the drop in crime from enacting permanent daylight time would hold true year-round. Daylight Saving Time (it is singular) was not created to provide farmers more time to tend to their crops, according to CNN.

Why do we have Daylight Saving Time?

Arizona, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa do not observe Daylight Saving Time. On the other hand, why can’t we rid ourselves of standard time-which, by the way, only encompasses about four months of the year at this point-and enjoy longer evenings year round?

Rep. Fred Cox, R-West Valley City, is trying again, drafting a bill that would keep Utah on standard time all year.

How to manually change the timer for Daylight Saving on your iPhone.

One argument for daylight saving time is that fewer accidents happen during daylight hours, so extending morning (in winter) and evening (in summer) daylight results in a slight reduction in automobile accidents.


The time change actually is rooted in an agricultural society, Earnest said.

Enjoy an extra hour of sleep Sunday by remembering to turn your clock back an hour before you go to bed. Daylight Savings Time officially ends on Nov. 1 meaning time moves backward so to speak at 2 a.m. Graphic courtesy