
Jeb Bush: I Would Kill Baby Hitler

Jeb Bush and his former rival in the Republican presidential race Scott Walker are saying nice things about one another during a campaign stop together in advance of the next GOP debate in Milwaukee.


A few 42 percent of the magazine’s online readers said they would use a time machine to go back and kill baby Hitler.

The former Florida governor was asked by the Huffington Post whether he would be prepared to murder the future Nazi dictator in his cradle. Another 30 percent said no, and 28 percent said they were unsure.

“Hell yeah, I would!”. “Some of you may know this and others may not, but we looked – as did many other governors that were elected in 2010-at what happened in Florida because it was a transformation”.

“It could have a risky effect on everything else, but I’d do it – I mean, Hitler”, Mr Bush said.


Hitler led German from 1934 to 1945 and is responsible for the deaths of millions of people, including large numbers of Jewish people held on concentration camps throughout Europe.

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            Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio