
These Republican Candidates Pushed Back On Extreme Anti-Immigration Rhetoric

Republican presidential candidates John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Rand Paul take the stage before the Republican presidential debate at the Milwaukee Theatre, Tuesday…


“As someone with extensive experience in Washington, Kasich I think distinguished himself as quite knowledgeable on foreign policy, something he had not really talked about that much in previous debates”, Canon said.

“While these numbers are sky-high, the business channels had a smaller audience than Fox News and CNN had”.

With only eight Republican contenders on the stage, the elbowing and kneeing between the candidates also seemed reduced.

And of course, there’s Christie and Huckabee, who’ll join Bobby Jindall and Rick Santorum for the undercard debate this time. Real-estate mogul Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, the two leaders in the polls, both argued against increasing the minimum wage.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who scored huge in the prior debate by criticizing the questions as being lame, immediately praised the wisdom of his first question Tuesday, about employment – “the most important question any of us can have” – and the talent of his questioner, Maria Bartiromo. I’m now No. 1 again in Iowa. It wasn’t enough to raise his poll standing.

Meanwhile, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tried to revive a flagging campaign by being more assertive in last night’s contest.

“Thank you for not asking me what I said in the 10th grade”. The moderator, who had been right, apologized.

“I understand candidates getting annoyed, but they better be careful about looking like whiners and babies”. I can hope, right? “I think you can ask very tough questions without coming off like an ass”, Cavuto said in an interview with Callum Borchers of The Post. They won the last debate, too.

Maybe best of all for Rubio, there were no questions about his Senate absentees or free spending with a Republican credit card. Most applause went to Marco Rubio for his self-confident master of facts.

While neither Jeb Bush nor John Kasich had a stellar performance, these two establishment candidates staked out different positions on banking reform: Bush focused on deregulation, while Kasich focused on pragmatic responses to crises. If he does not look like a victor in Tuesday night’s debate, he may find it hard to carry on.

Bush, the former front-runner, has struggled in every debate so far, and Rubio is no doubt angling for the edge against him in Tuesday’s showdown.

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, told Action 2 News the site was chosen for a debate because Wisconsin will be a critical swing state in the 2016 election.

After saying he doesn’t like being “lied about”, and explaining away claims of a West Point scholarship as being “misinterpreted”, the topic was dropped.

Carson said he was being truthful in describing how military officials had suggested he would be admitted to West Point if he had applied when he was graduating from high school. Several of the White House hopefuls lobbied for more time but there were no major complaints about Fox’s overall handling of the two-hour forum.

Trump was a guest at a Politics and Eggs event in Manchester. “A general who is really up on what we’re talking about”.

“Did you read about Starbucks?”

As the Rubio-Bush dynamic continued unchanged, so did the standing of Carson and Trump. In the past, the cup had emblems like snowflakes, fir trees, ornaments, sledders, snowmen and stars – not Jesus in the manger, exactly, but still more explicitly related to Christmas.


This year the cups are just red – which a few Christians allege is the company taking the last bits of their holiday out of the season.

Rubio Trump at debate