
Record Concentrations Of Carbon dioxide Threaten Global Environment

A recently published report from the World Meteorological Organization reveal that greenhouse gas level in the Earth’s atmosphere has again reached record high in 2014.


The United Nations has already given its warning.

Bank experts estimate that a global temperature increase of 2-3C (3.6-5.4F) would result in the spread of malaria and an estimated 48,000 additional deaths among children under the age of 15 resulting from diarrheal illness by 2030. Those calculations formed the basis of the next landmark report, the 1979 “Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment”, prepared by the US National Academy of Sciences. And if anything goes than everything goes.

“As the world continues to warm in the coming decades, however, we will see more and more years passing the 1 degree marker – eventually it will become the norm”.

Jarraud pointed out that Carbon dioxide is an invisible threat, but a real one.

The Paris talks aim to agree an worldwide deal which will put the world on a path to limiting global temperature rises to no more than 2C above pre-industrial levels – a threshold beyond which the worst impacts of climate change are expected to be felt.

The report warns that, between now and 2030, climate policies can do little to alter the amount of global warming that will happen, making it vital to invest in adaptation measures and broader ways to make people more resilient.

“It’s frightening…. This is a cumulative process”, Jarraud said, stressing that “the laws of physics are nonnegotiable”. President Obama, China’s premier and David Cameron will be putting two and two together at the summit which will be held in Paris.

Developing countries insist rich ones should lead the way in slashing emissions as they have polluted for longer.

By next year alone, things will have hurtled out of control.

“And we will need to act fast”, added John Roome, senior director of climate change at the World Bank.

Most recent figures on greenhouse gas focuses demonstrate that levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from mechanical, horticultural and household exercises came to record levels – with worldwide normal centralizations of carbon dioxide in spring 2015 intersection the 400 sections for each million obstruction surprisingly.

Fabius said there was momentum toward ensuring that countries ratchet up their efforts to slash carbon pollution beyond pledges submitted ahead of the summit.

For one thing the future will not be any fun with such extreme pollution rampant in the atmosphere.

According to the report, the poorest people are more exposed than the average population to climate-related shocks such as floods, droughts, and heat waves, and they lose much more of their wealth when they are hit.


“Our research tells us that in Bangladesh alone, an estimated 38 million lives are at risk between now and 2050 because of climate-change related disasters”, she pointed out. And that is not something anybody would want to happen.

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