
Ben Carson Trolls CNN, MSNBC, Politico on Twitter Before GOP Debate

Ben Carson said during Tuesday night’s debate that he doesn’t mind the news media scrutinizing his life as long as Democratic candidates face similar rigors – including Hillary Clinton, whom he suggested lied about Benghazi. “He said, ‘What do you think about that idea?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, Lee, you can check it out if you want but it doesn’t sound right, ‘ because at that time I had no political aspiration”. “I appreciate that”, Carson joked.


Now, with Carson engulfed in a media firestorm over the details of his own biography, Cain said he saw it coming all along because the same thing happened to him. “Is he kidding?” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on CNN, pointing to the stories surrounding his 2013 “Bridgegate” episode.

“About whether or not he he hit a guy with a lock, ya know, hit his mother, stabbed his cousin – I don’t know”, Graham continued.

Trump, meanwhile, on Sunday also ripped in Carson’s criticism of his hosting NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” comedy show, which the physician had argued was not appropriate for a presidential candidate, according to The Hill.

What can the Republican Party, and candidates like Ben Carson, do to woo black conservatives?

However, there’s no such thing as a “full scholarship” to West Point.

It’s called vetting. It’s how the press helps the public learn everything they can about the people running for the presidency.

“We have to treat people the same and finding out what people think and what they’re made of”, Carson added. And, even if you l-o-v-e Carson, you have to admit that not everything exactly checks out about that background at the moment.

In response to Carson’s argument, The Independent Journal Review has published several stories concerning President Obama that the media has either completely forgotten about, or covered rather mediocrely.


“As for Carson’s complaint that he’s being given too much scrutiny by the media, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says, “You ain’t seen nothing yet”. You can say anything about anybody – and their poll numbers go up, no matter what you do”. The fundamental problem with Dr. Carson’s candidacy is that he has no experience or qualifications for the job. Yes, but he initially said he didn’t, then later said he gave speeches on its behalf. He said he had already determined that he was going to go on to college and on to medical school.

A smaller cast of candidates faces off Tuesday night in the Republicans&#039 fourth presidential debate with mild-mannered Ben Carson pledging to push back aggressively if challenged on the veracity of his celebrated personal story. Florida Sen. Marco R