
Marco Rubio: People don’t trust feds to enforce immigration laws

“I learned a very powerful lesson in 2013: the American people do not trust the federal government to enforce our immigration laws”, Mr. Rubio said Thursday, speaking at an event hosted by the SC Chamber of Commerce.


Republican presidential candidate, Sen.

Mr. Cruz told reporters in New Hampshire Wednesday that he likes and respects Mr. Rubio, though they’ve had a few policy disagreements. His staff grew by about 30 percent in October, with more than 70 people now on the campaign payroll.

Rubio argued that the so-called “entitlement” programs need to be changed in light of the nation’s debt, saying younger generations may need to retire later and might later in life be buying private insurance via Medicare. “Everywhere I go I hear folks talking about him”, stated Glenn McCall, a Republican National Committeeman from SC.

Since his work on the “Gang of Eight” Senate bill that, among other things, provided an eventual path to citizenship for most illegal immigrants in the country, Mr. Rubio has advocated for a piecemeal approach on the issue with an emphasis on border security first. “While Rubio’s advisers allege they’re merely executing the subsequent part in a rigorously crafted marketing crusade blueprint, there isn’t any doubt the team’s early penny-pinching was driven partially by necessity”.

But buoyed by strong performances in the last two GOP debates, Rubio has been attracting more high-dollar donors, including billionaire investor Paul Singer and NY hedge fund manager Cliff Asness.

Scully added: “The Orlando Sunshine Summit will likely include many attendees who supported Jeb Bush for governor and Marco Rubio for senator, and who voted for both of them. We need more welders and less philosophers”.


John Jordan, the multi-millionaire owner of Jordan Winery, announced in an email to Time Tuesday that he is formally backing the Florida senator to become the Republican presidential nominee. Campaign manager Terry Sullivan has bragged about sticking Rubio on budget airline Frontier – which he called “a special kind of hell” – and touted his rule of personally approving expenses over $500. Three separate polls in the state over the past two weeks have put Rubio and Sen.

Median annual salary for welders: $37420; for philosophy