
Target’s OCD Christmas Sweater Spurs Controversy

From college campuses to football teams, every word people say is coming under heightened scrutiny that social media then magnifies and overblows in a few cases. The red sweater being sold for the holidays has green lettering OCD on its front.


Retail giant Target is being accused of poking fun at Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with their latest holiday sweater. Target says it will not stop selling the item.

OCD affects approximately 2.2 million adult Americans.

“We never want to disappoint our guests and we apologize for any discomfort”, Jessica Carlson, a spokeswoman for Target, told the Chicago Tribune.

A sweater on sale at Target has a lot of people talking with a few saying it makes light of Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Other times, they engage in compulsive hoarding, being unable to discard unnecessary objects and accumulating them to the point where huge piles build up.

One woman with OCD wrote that the condition is not a joke.


Although Target has refused to yank the OCD Christmas sweater from store shelves, the social media backlash has grown large enough to force the company to formally respond to the brewing sweater controversy. Another person who declared themselves afflicted with OCD has stated that they still find the product “funny”, calling protesters “uptight”. In 2013, the retailer described the color of a plus-sized dress Manatee Gray even thought the non-plus version of the same dress was called Dark Heather Gray.
