
Jeb Bush says ‘Hell yeah’ he’d kill baby Hitler

That makes tonights debate as a huge one for Bush who can use his extensive plans to show that he is the establishment candidate with well throughout plans.


Bush wryly tweeted Monday: “Gotta do it”, referring to the Huffington Post item.

“What Marco has is something I think that the Republican Party needs to have, which is a hopeful, optimistic message based on out principles”, Bush says in one of the clips.

Mr. Rubio hit back, noting that Mr. Bush has said he is modeling his campaign after Senator John McCain in 2008, and Mr. McCain also missed many votes during his term.

As Bush has sagged in the polls and Rubio has surged to become a top-tier contender – regularly at No. 3 in primary polls after outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson – Bush has cranked up his criticism of Rubio. That growth has been met simultaneously with Bush’s decline.

In July, we pointed out that time travel is theoretically possible but that Marco Rubio was correct in saying that you can’t “win the future” by “hopping in Hillary Clinton’s time machine to yesterday”.

Though Bush does favor allowing exceptions, he declared himself “the most pro-life candidate on that stage” and listed a number of steps that Florida took to try and limit abortions, like requiring parental notification and eliminating partial birth abortion.

“Hell yeah, I would!” the former Florida governor says. “They’re better than the moderated debate questions”, he said.

Someone emailed Bush and asked him if he would kill the Nazi leader as an infant if given the opportunity, he said.

Well, someone finally did it. Someone finally asked a GOP candidate to their faces if they would abort Baby Hitler.

“Should I be president of the United States, I promise you, I won’t be a divider-in-chief, I won’t be an agitator-in-chief, I’ll be a commander-in-chief, because that’s what we need” Bush said to applause.


“I took on very powerful interests”, Bush said, “just as Scott Walker has done, to expand the voucher program in the same way in this state”.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaking at a campaign event