
Princess Leia is called General in Star Wars: The Force Awaken

With new trailers and TV Spots building excitement even higher, now feels like the best time to be a Star Wars fan for more than a decade.


Abrams also talked about how Luke’s path in the context of the film was a big draw for him to direct, namely how everyone else in the movie sees Luke. But what we do know, is that she will focus heavily on Daisy Ridley’s character, Rey – who seems to have a connection to the Force.

Additionally, Abrams offered details on the character’s backstory and the castle in which she resides.

It will be the first time that we have seen Fisher reprise the role of Leia since The Return of the Jedi back in 1983 as she teams up with director Abrams for the first time.

J.J. Abrams is so good when it comes to talking without saying anything really important that he might as well become a politician.

No, it’s not Luke Skywalker – but Maz Kanata, the pint-sized alien motion captured by Lupita Nyong’o!

Everyone remembers Carrie Fisher’s Leia from the original Star Wars films; she was a tough, independent Princess who suffered no fools, frequently butted heads with Harrison Ford’s Han Solo and helped save the galaxy.

“She’s referred to as General”, the award-winning director told Entertainment Weekly.

The 49-year-old filmmaker has confessed that although he was initially hesitant about casting the “Star Wars” veteran in the upcoming next instalment in the franchise, he was blown away by her talent. “I know your eyes”. In addition to also being small (judge her by her size, we do not), it sounds like she’s going to be a total badass. “She’s lived over a thousand years”, he explained.

“[She’s] committed as ever to her cause, but I would imagine feeling somewhat defeated, tired, and pissed”, Fisher said.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens in theaters on December 18, 2015. We can’t wait to see how this plays out.

Director JJ Abrams Praises Carrie Fisher