
Claire McCaskill: Sometimes men need to ‘shut the hell up’

For example: what women do with their bodies. I’ll let you check out the above video from CBS on your own for the complete list, but as a brief preview: pant suits, Shonda Rhimes, gluten, and Harry Potter all make the list.


A few have taken issue with the clip, prompting her to tweet: “Good Lord. Comedy show. I thought you guys were in a war against PC?”

Can’t wait until the next time all the men now dissecting McCaskill’s video invariably tell feminists “it’s just a joke” or “stop being so sensitive” over an offensive portrayal of women in media.


McCaskill and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., appeared together; both have books out. She is an NPR contributor and has contributed to USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, National Review Online, Politico and more, and has myriad television and radio credits as a commentator. Additionally, she added, it’s important for men to consider shushing on many topics. Watch below. But perhaps we’d have a better sense if Stephen Colbert invited one of McCaskill’s male colleagues on to give his list of topics men don’t want to hear women talk about anymore. Zip it! Whether or not it’s pronounced Gif or Gif. An incomplete catalog includes “what women do with their bodies”, “who the next James Bond should be”, Star Wars, selfies, pantsuits, millennials, “Star Wars again”, all art, carbs, and turkey brining. But that’s a huge, big if.
