
RNC’s Priebus asks Donald Trump to rein in immigrant remarks

They discussed a anger of topics, reportedly the source.


According to Trump’s account, Priebus “said wow, you’re really doing well in the polls, you really hit a nerve”.

But Trump on Thursday morning called out “totally false reporting” on his call with Priebus, suggesting the RNC chief didn’t suggest toning down his immigration remarks.

“#JebBush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife”, tweeted Trump on Monday, a message he later deleted.

The former reality TV personality and real estate mogul – famously dubbed a “short-fingered vulgarian” by now-defunct Spy magazine – caused an uproar with his campaign announcement speech, in which he called Latin immigrants “criminals” and “rapists.”

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton used Trump to whack Republicans on immigration in a CNN interview this week, saying of the GOP: “They’re on a spectrum of hostility, which I think is really regrettable in a nation of immigrants like ours”. The subsequent report said Republicans must change their language and approach in the Hispanic community in order to win over voters.

Reluctant to engage publicly and having developed a friendship with Trump in recent years, Priebus decided to call the candidate and quietly ask him to soften his pitch, said GOP donors familiar with Priebus’s thinking.

He added that while he didn’t know the contents of the conversation, “There’s no question in my mind that Mr. Trump’s fortitude on [immigration] will be unshaken, whether it’s a phone call from Reince Priebus or whether it’s [a business cutting its ties.]”.


“Chairman Priebus often speaks privately with candidates seeking our party’s nomination”, Spicer told The Post in a statement.

Reince Priebus