
Tortilla record plays ‘Mexican Hat Dance’

A while ago there was a satirical video featuring a tortilla jammed on top of a record player spindle.


Using a 40W Epilog Laser Cutter on loan from Fab Lab in San Diego, he used this PDF to cut grooves into a 9-inch uncooked flour tortilla.

Check out the clips below.

The sound of a tortilla turned into a record that plays “Mexican Hat Dance”. For maybe a couple of months now, humanity has dreamed of turning a tortilla into a 78 RPM record. In the background, the user just played “The Mexican Hat Song” as a joke.

The first video that went viral received more than 1.2 million views and it featured a regular tortilla – without any laser-burned tracks – spinning on a gramophone.


Posting detailed step-by-step instructions for how to make a playable tortilla onto the Instructables website under the name UpgradeTech, the clever individual has explained how they did it, and how you can do it too. A fitting song. The user also notes that the laser affects the taste, concluding: “Edible, but tastes burnt.” Check out the videos below to see (better said, hear) for yourself. The tortilla record inventor also found that it is better to use room-temperature tortillas, because they are softer.

Tortilla record