
Jeb Bush: Call radical Islam what it is

“We are not at war with Islam”, said the former secretary of state, choosing her words with care as she warned ordinary Muslims should not be viewed as a threat. “We are at war with violent extremism”.


“I think this is the first manifestation of that effort and of that success and eventually they will try to build a similar attack capacity in the United States”, Michael Morell, a Central Intelligence Agency deputy director under Obama from 2010 to 2013, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation”.

“These are individuals motivated by their faith”. This is not a geopolitical movement.

When pressed by CNN’s Jake Tapper on how authorities would be able to tell if a refugee was Christian, Bush said that the US already has a screening process in place. If they hear people running for president who basically shortcut it to say we are somehow against Islam, that was one of the real contributions, despite all the other problems, that George W. Bush made after 9/11 when he basically said after going to a Mosque in Washington, we are not at war with Islam or Muslims.

On This Week Sunday, Marco Rubio said he doesn’t understand why Hillary Clinton wouldn’t use the term “radical Islam” at last night’s Democratic debate.

“Of course all Muslims are not members of violent jihadist groups”, said Rubio.

“Now on the other hand”, Cruz added, “Christians who are being targeted, for genocide, for persecution, Christians who are being beheaded or crucified, we should be providing safe haven to them”.

“America is at its best when we are standing up to evil in this world”, O’Malley said.

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength”, said Obama in remarks to ABC that were recorded before the Paris attacks but after the Beirut and Russian aircraft bombings.

Relatively hawkish Clinton, self-described democratic socialist Sanders and low-polling O’Malley took the stage in Des Moines, Iowa for their second Democratic showdown in the 2016 primary cycle.

The Iraq war, he repeated, “was one of the worst foreign policy blunders in the modern history of the United States”. Rival Republicans have already held four debates.

“They expect to get something, everybody knows that”, Sanders said, implying that establishment candidates like Clinton would be in debt to Wall Street supporters.

“It can not be contained, it must be defeated”, Clinton added of the terror group.


Jeb Bush, meanwhile, also said he is open to declaring war against ISIS under the terms of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, noting that France has always been a key USA ally.

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