
DeNA: 5 Nintendo Games in 5 Different Genres on Mobile – Always Nintendo

We’ve known this for a while, but the exact specifics of that have always been up in the air. Of course none of that matters if Nintendo ends up making games that aren’t that great, or just regurgitate gameplay styles that have been beaten with a stick relentlessly already.


Speaking at Pocket Gamer Connects in San Francisco, Asako explained the plans for DeNA’s partnership with Nintendo. After all these games won’t be direct ports of existing titles, but will instead be games based on Nintendo’s franchises created by DeNA. “DeNA’s expertise is definitely backend”.

As for the games themselves?

Hopefully we hear more about Nintendo’s first iOS game soon, but in the meantime, we have plenty to keep us guessing and hoping.

Asako was quoted as saying, “I understand some people like RPGs, casual games”. Each of these five games will incorporate a different Nintendo property in a different genre.


By combining these two strengths, Asako believes Nintendo’s content on mobile will thrive. Time will tell if they are actually quality, compelling products like Nintendo’s games usually are, or if they, too, turn out to be soulless F2P money grab schemes.

Nintendo And Dena To Initially Produce 5 Mobile Titles Through March 2017 - N