
Hundreds quit Mormon faith over gay marriage stance

1000s of members of the Mormon Church resigned on the weekend following the release of a new handbook by the heads of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints which excommunicated gay couples and said children from rainbow families would be unable to be baptised until they turn 18.


But now, she and other Mormons upset over new church policies that declare same-sex couples apostates and restrict their children from baptism and other rites are venting their objections by demanding that their names be struck from the churchs meticulously kept records.

This policy is problematic to a few because they fear for the well-being of children from same-sex couples, who will ultimately have to choose between their parents’ lifestyle or their church’s doctrine.

Naugle said he plans to deliver the letters on Monday. Damien Steadman is transgender, and he said he wanted to express to the church that its policy was costing it members.

“I’ve read a lot of history on the church since I got here, and there isn’t much I’ve been impressed with”, McNamara said.

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Church’s headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah yesterday, to challenge the new rules.

Many of those that wish to cut all ties from the Mormon church are believed to no longer attend church services but wish to make their resignation formal following the new anti-gay policies. “There is a lot to overcome with the myths about who they are and who we are”.

“Thousands of the Mormon faithful standing with the LGBT community sends a powerful message that love will always win”, Mary Beth Maxwell, HRC’s Senior Vice President of Programs, Research and Training, said in a statement.

“The Church has always been on record as opposing same-sex marriages”.

Following fury from members, the leadership has made a minor “tweak” to clarify that kids who are already part of the Church won’t be kicked out – but it did little to quell the fury from existing Church members. Although the Mormon Church has long opposed same-sex marriage, it had endorsed an anti-discrimination law in Utah and criticized a Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

During the last year, members of the gay community praised an openness from the church unseen since the 1970s, referred to among more liberal church members as the Camelot Years.


Church officials were not immediately available for comment.

Several hundred people with roots in the Mormon faith gathered in Salt Lake City on Saturday to renounce the churchs new policies targeting gays and their children in an event tha