
The Walking Dead: Norman Reedus Confirms Dwight and Who Cried for ‘Help’

Since then, enough clues have come out to indicate that perhaps he is still alive.


“I will say that voice is not Glenn”, Reedus told Entertainment Weekly when asked about the cliffhanger ending. How did he get away?

Daryl found himself in the woods amongst the charred remains of thousands of zombies, while Sasha and Abraham hunkered down in an abandoned insurance office and let the sexual tension brew between them until it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Sasha has already reconciled the fact she hast lost her boyfriend and brother. Though Abraham is inclined to slay any and all walkers in their path, Sasha urges him to show restraint. They didn’t look like a rag-tag bunch of bad guys. Since nobody is meant to be shot, they aren’t.

Daryl slides out on his bike and bloodies up his hand and arm.

Woah. Was Abraham flirting with Sasha? They decide to wait until he returns.

Will Abraham and Sasha get together on “The Walking Dead”? “His explanation? “‘Cause loose ends make my ass itch”. On this show, every walker is a potential problem. It clearly was not pretty. The show obviously can’t explain this.

Despite just surviving a shootout, Abraham and Sasha have not bonded.

She had to keep Abraham in check as he is determined to live on the edge.

“That had a double meaning”, he said.

On the other side of things, we get a scavenging mission with Abraham and Sasha, and while I can appreciate the character building going on here, I wasn’t particularly insane about this story. Given the recent casting news about Negan, I think that is a good assumption. I think it’s telling that the only member of the trio who gets a name (well, that I caught, anyway) – Tina, the girl who needs the insulin – is the only one who dies.

– Who were these people Daryl helped? He also confesses that he’d like to get to know her better.

Much of the action of episode six centers on Daryl and his three captors, a man and two young women, one of which is a diabetic. That is highly unlikely. The man tells Daryl that he hasn’t killed anyone since the outbreak; the reason being that there is “no going back”.

He returns to Sasha, bragging about how he got the rocket launcher through a few “buttsteak idiocy” and admits he’s been messing around but now that he sees the possibility of his life before him, he’s interested in “making a few plays”. Soon after that, Daryl is robbed (again) by the remaining two characters, who take his bike and bow and speed off, but not before hearing his offer and seemingly accepting to join the Alexandria crew. Then Daryl asked the guy Rick’s three questions. Rick believes they will and tried to rally his family and the rest of the citizens into having hope and getting them started in learning how to survive.

We’re sure Abraham’s aspirations will pop up again in the future, but for now, we’re glad he’s heading back to the safe zone.


Last night’s episode was entitled “Always Accountable” and followed Daryl, Sasha and Abraham and provided us with an update on where they’ve been, and it all worked out for them eventually. The man (who we’re now convinced is Dwight) and woman (possible Tina?) ride off. He passed by a group of burned and charred walker bodies along the forest floor. They get on the radio, but there’s no answer. “We knock you over the head, tie you up, threaten to kill you”. A lot, couple dozen at least. He has killed no humans. Why? You’re supposed to feel the pain. “I never should have trusted you people to begin with”, he said. The duo don’t trust him. The man that put the gun to Daryl’s head took offense to him and his group being called stupid.

The Walking Dead