
No, Apple won’t make an iPad-Mac hybrid, Tim Cook says

However, many users have reported in Apple Support Communities that their 12.9-inch iPad is unresponsive after being charged overnight or a long extended period of time.


To find out, we took one of Apple’s monster-tablets out to bustling Times Square to see what people would make of it. To the majority of the people we showed it to, the iPad Pro is indeed big – but it’s too big.

There are other advantages.

The temptation and allure of using it in landscape mode with split screen is a heady experience and portends even more capability to be unleashed in iOS 10. Apple Inc. unveiled the latest iterations of its smart phone, the 6S and 6S Plus, an update to its Apple TV set-top box as well as announcing the new iPad Pro.

I used Microsoft Office apps and Adobe apps, accessed, edited and emailed documents stored with OneDrive, iCloud and Google Drive, edited a video with iMovie and touched up photos with Adobe Mix and Fix, which these days are serious editing tools.

Apple could resolve this by giving users access to selected parts of iPad storage via a lightning cable adaptor, but it hasn’t done that with conventional iPads to date.

More interesting is the Apple Pencil.

The iPad Pro and Microsoft’s Surface Book are nothing alike. While the concept seems quite exciting, Apple believes otherwise.


After an intensive weekend with the iPad Pro, I feel considerable disdain for the iPad Air (handed down to my wife). It runs standard Windows 10 apps and displays many windows at once, not just two. More distressing are a series of small but annoying inefficiencies in iOS 9 that are a drag on the overall experience. As we told you the other day, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, a man who knows a thing or two about the computer industry, disagrees. Sometimes the on-screen keyboardwhich is full-size on the iPad Procame up despite having the external keyboard plugged in and then later disappeared inexplicably. “You’d begin to compromise in different ways”. The keyboard for the device is also unique in that it doesn’t need to be charged. This MacAlly case for the iPad Air, which I reviewed, has sound reflectors that bring the sound forward, and it was a feature that allowed me to endure the Air’s awful speakers. (Because there is no trackpad, the iPad Pro ends up sitting three or four inches closer to you.) And, for my needs at least, I concluded that the iPad Pro is powerful and versatile enough to replace my laptop.

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